15.04.2022 |

BJJ photography

I have been into photography more than half of my life. In this post I share some of my favourite bjj photo accounts that I have found on IG.

I like what Kingz Kimonos is doing on their account. I also follow Shawna Rodgers, Autumn Skye (albums here), Yasmyn Adeline and Kyle Huang who do very good competition coverages. Kyle is very good in presenting his works also.

My ADCC Estonian Open experience

I rented this Tamron 70-200mm f2.8 lens from Photopoint and used it on my 5D Mark 1. I managed to use fixed shutter speed (1/125 or similar) and aperture (little bit less than the widest so f/3.2 or f/4.0) thanks to stabile lightning. As my camera is old I can not use higher ISO than 800 due to poor image quality. I would benefit from new SLR for sure. Focusing was fast enough, image stabilization is a must for a long lens.

My ADCC photos can be seen here (including EXIF data).

Jiu-jitsu photography – most of the time you find yourself on the wrong side of the mat and can shoot only people’s backs or butts. Slow submissions (strangles like RNC, triangles) are easy to shoot. Beginners are easier to shoot (because they are slower). Leglocks, armbars – unless you are ready or continuously shooting the match – you will probably miss it. On professional level, heelhooks and anklelocks last just for a snap before the tap and release.

Renting the lens from Photopoint was very good experience. I rented it for one day (30 eur) around 11AM and “1 day rental” would have lasted till 6PM of the next day. I did not have to pay any refundable deposit which was surprising. As the Rocca al Mare Photopoint was just across the Arigato (see it on the map) where ADCC took place it was very convenient for me to  return the lens right after the event 🙂

14.04.2022 |

ADCC Estonian Open 2022 – April 16th

ADCC Estonian Open 2022 will take place 16.04.2022 in Arigato, (Rannamõisa tee 3), Tallinn. For more information please see adccestonia.eu. Competition starts 12.00am. For the spectators the doors open half hour before competition and is free for everyone.

Useful links

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Osta ära! Panin Yagasse ühe täiesti uue Scramble’i nogi komplekti müüki (S suurus, 125 67 eur).