20.08.2022 |

Maadleja kõrv

Maadleja kõrv on teise nimega kõrva hematoom (Auricular Hematoma).

Treenerite tasemekoolitus, Maadlus, lk 60. Vigastus on kõrva hematoom (ehk verevalum), millest ebaadekvaatse ravi korral võib väliskõrv moonduda ja tekkida maadleja kõrv.

Kõrva hematoom on sagedane vigastus maadlejatel ja võitlusspordis üldiselt. Kõrva vigastamisel on esmaabiks külmaravi, kompressioon vigastatud piirkonnale. Verevalumi tekkimisel see punkteeritakse (ehk torgatakse süstlaga ja tõmmatakse veri välja, teostab arst), pärast protseduuri on tähtis rõhksideme kandmine paari päeva jooksul.

Ebaadekvaatse ravi korral võib väliskõrv pakseneda ja moonduda ning kujuneb nn maadleja kõrv, mida nimetatakse ka “pelmeeniks”. Vigastusest hoidumiseks on võimalik kasutada ka spetsiaalseid kõrvakaitsmeid. (Treenerite tasemekoolitus, Maadlus, lk 60)

Kuidas maadleja kõrv tekib

Tegemist on kõrva mehaanilise vigastusega ja see ei teki väga kergelt. Enamasti tähendab, et kõrv jääb kuskile vahele ja seda peab jõuga mehaaniliselt töötlema.

Brasiilia jiu-jitsus on sellisteks kohadeks näiteks peadpidi  vastase jalgade (ka põlvede) vahele jäämine näiteks põhi-lõuna kontrolli ajal või mõne jalgadega kägistuse ajal (eriti kui see on ebapuhtalt sooritatud). Siis sisuliselt karedate kimono pükste riivitakse su kõrvulestasid puruks.

Maadleja kõrva ravi

Youtube’ist leiab õpetusi, kuidas kõrva punkteerida aga seal on enamasti midagi valesti (puudulik hügieen) või olulist puudu (hilisem sidumine).

Kui vigastus tekib, siis pane külma peale ja võid minna EMOsse (nt pärast trenni, kui oled pesemas ära käinud või järgmisel päeval). Kui oled Tallinnas, siis hea oleks minna PERHi EMOsse, kus on kõrvadele eraldi elav järjekord.

EMOs tuleb oodata kaua, sest ilmselt saad sinise triaažikategooria (sest see ei ole eluohtlik vigastus). Võta raamat, täis akuga telefon või arvuti ajaviiteks kaasa 🙂 Kui triaažis(!) küsitakse, et mida sa soovid, siis võid öelda, et sul on sporditrauma, kõrva trauma (kõrva hematoom) ja selleks, et kõrv ei moonduks oleks vaja see hematoom kõrvast välja saada.

Arst tõenäoliselt punkteerib kõrva (torkab süstlaga) ja eemaldab hematoomi ja teeb rõhksideme, mida peab paar päeva kandma, et kõrv uuesti verega ei täituks.

Väiksema hematoomi korral on võimalik, et arst hindab, kas punkteerimine tekitaks suurema trauma ja kahjustuse kui ravita jätmine.

04.08.2022 |

Progress Jiu Jitsu has opened EU store

Happy to find out that Progress brand has opened EU store. Shipping for a gi is 12.50 eur to Estonia. Threshold for free shipping is 200 eur. One day I will probably get hands on their The Academy Gi.

Progress sponsors athletes such as Ffion Davies and Tarik Hopstock that I like very much.

19.07.2022 |

BJJ Youtube channels – free BJJ instructionals

To avoid low quality instructionals I have mainly stuck to these channels. When ever I need to find something I try to find it from these channels first.

Tarik Hopstock – very well structured, short, on point videos with useful details. I mainly study his beginners stuff.

BJJ Globetrotters

BJJ Globetrotters in Action – (very) long videos of a class of a specific technique (triangle, darce, mount, s-mount, guard passing drills, strangles). I like newer videos by Priit Mihkelson because he shows newer versions of his signature techniques with highly practical implementations. For example I play with his hawking vs back control against rnc, against collar choke, bow and arrow and full crash course of defensive postures etc.

Whoopass Camps

Whoopass Camps is a new channel on youtube but I already like it. Improving standard positions, leg pummeling.

The rest

Roy Dean‘s channel

But also Lachlan Giles, Jon Thomas (he stands out for the correct use of microphone 🙂 ), Chewjitsu, Knight Jiu-jitsu, Wiltse Brothers BJJ has some good content (for example this s-mount), BJJ Fanatics with John Danaher, Gordon Ryan and Mickey Musumeci are very good.

05.07.2022 |

BJJ Podcasts That I Like

BJJ Mental Models Ep. 215: Incentives & Triggers, feat. Jorgen Matsi

BJJ Mental Models Ep. 181: BJJ for Old F***s, feat. Rob Biernacki & Stephan Kesting explains concepts and tactics for safe and effective Jiu-Jitsu as you age.

BJJ Goons 154: Can BJJ Be A Spectator Sport? Nico Ball and Tim Spriggs discuss what jiujitsu can and must do to become a viable commodity in the sport/entertainment industry.

Just a list of BJJ podcasts

I have subscribed to some of them.

BJJ Mental Models
BJJ Goons
Elbows tight
Forever White Belt
Get A Grip with Kendall Reusing
I Suck At Jiu-Jitsu
The Sonny Bravo Breakdown

12.05.2022 |

Eesti meistrivõistlused Brasiilia jiu-jitsus 2022

Pühapäeval, 19. juunil Tartus, A Le Coqi spordihallis. Võimla korraldab. Info leiab Facebookist. Registreerumine Smoothcompis (avatud kuni 15.06.2022 kell 23.55).

See, et valged kuni mustad vööd kõik ühes arvestuses võistlevad on muidugi… totter.


11:00 Võistlejate saabumine
11:30 Võistlusreeglite tutvustamine, pealtvaatajate saabumine
12:15 Võistluste algus

Registreerunud 57 osalejat. Kahjuks Smoothcompis pole vöötasemetest head ülevaadet. Blackbeltidest võistlevad Jorgen Matsi, Harto Vallimägi, pruunidest vöödest jäi silma Taavi Vaigla.


Selgusid 13 uut Eesti meistrit. Tulemustega saab tutvuda siin.

Kuna vöötasemete kohta infot ei ole (profiilid sageli aegunud), siis ei oska neist midagi väga arvata.

05.05.2022 |

BJJ Gi Size – How to Get It Right

TL;DR: Seriously, look at the gi size chart and don’t buy a gi heavier than 400 gsm (unless you need it for IBJJF competitions from 2024 Worlds). If you are in doubt then ask the producer. If you are looking for best deals, then check this post.

Don’t worry, for several reasons you will get it probably wrong the first time. And luckily – it does not matter. It will look stupid if your gi is too large but nobody will care.

I probably think about it way too much but gi sizing is so stupid.

My personal experience

I am 68-70 kg, 178 cm. When I look at size charts then most of the times I am between(!) 2 sizes. From my experience so far:

  • Tatami Absolute Nova A2 is very baggy, pants are like a balloon but otherwise OK, comes with a free belt;
  • Progress Academy A1L is too short, pants are super short (10 cm shorter than Scramble A1L) , even though their size chart says it should be OK, comes with a free belt (which was also too short for me). I would like Progress Academy gi to be the right size because it is very compact and otherwise nice gi and I see many high level athletes wearing it on social media;
  • Ippon Gear Rookie A2 is OK – lightweight, compact, good fit despite being basically an unknown brand, comes with a free belt;
  • Scramble Standard Issue A1L is and I like it very much but as it is 450 gsm then it is heavy, hard to pack and hard to wash.

Gi size system

A – adult
F- female
Number, for example A2 – a size bracket, different for every producer
C, for example A2C – adult, size bracket 2, curvy
L, for example A3L – adult, size bracket 3, long

For example A2 can mean adult sized 77-87 kg, 170-178 cm (for Tatami brand).

Every gi producer size is different

If you look at size charts of different producers then you find that for every producer the sizing is slightly different.

In addition to that gi cuts are also different. Some are baggy, some are slim fit.

Look at the size chart, please

Please look at size charts before buying a gi. Tatami and Manto (next to every gi) provide very nice detailed size charts. Progress as well.

Size charts allow tolerance which means their accuracy is around 2 cm.

It will shrink

If you wash your gi for the first time then it will probably slightly shrink. Gis usually have a natural shrinkage rate of about 3-6% after washing with warm water. This means that sleeves and trousers will become shorter.

It is advisable to wash your gi before the first use because otherwise it will leave rubble(?) on your partner (and your body).

Weight of the fabric

Weight of the fabric is usually show in gsm (grams per square meter). Lighter fabrics are usually around 350 gsm, thicker fabric is 550 gsm (Tatami Estilo).

If you like compact lightweight gi then look smaller gsm ( less than 400 gsm). If your gi is heavier than 400 gsm then it may be inconvenient to put it into washing machine.

300 gsm – Tatami Elements Superlite
350 gsm – Venum Power 2.0 Light, Scramble Athlite 6, Manto Rise, Ippon Gear Rookie, Hyperfly Hyperlite 2.5, Manto Rise Gi
375 gsm – Progress Academy Gi

IBJJF Uniform Guidelines require gi jacket heavier than 380 gsm (starting from 2024 Worlds). So below are some that are in line with IBJJF Uniform Guidelines:

400 gsm – Progress Featherlight Lightweight Competition Gi, Manto Base 2.0
420 gms – Kingz Ultralight 2.0
450 gsm – Scramble Standard Issue, Manto X4, Progress M6 Mark 5
550 gsm – Tatami Estilo

15.04.2022 |

BJJ photography

I have been into photography more than half of my life. In this post I share some of my favourite bjj photo accounts that I have found on IG.

I like what Kingz Kimonos is doing on their account. I also follow Shawna Rodgers, Autumn Skye (albums here), Yasmyn Adeline and Kyle Huang who do very good competition coverages. Kyle is very good in presenting his works also.

My ADCC Estonian Open experience

I rented this Tamron 70-200mm f2.8 lens from Photopoint and used it on my 5D Mark 1. I managed to use fixed shutter speed (1/125 or similar) and aperture (little bit less than the widest so f/3.2 or f/4.0) thanks to stabile lightning. As my camera is old I can not use higher ISO than 800 due to poor image quality. I would benefit from new SLR for sure. Focusing was fast enough, image stabilization is a must for a long lens.

My ADCC photos can be seen here (including EXIF data).

Jiu-jitsu photography – most of the time you find yourself on the wrong side of the mat and can shoot only people’s backs or butts. Slow submissions (strangles like RNC, triangles) are easy to shoot. Beginners are easier to shoot (because they are slower). Leglocks, armbars – unless you are ready or continuously shooting the match – you will probably miss it. On professional level, heelhooks and anklelocks last just for a snap before the tap and release.

Renting the lens from Photopoint was very good experience. I rented it for one day (30 eur) around 11AM and “1 day rental” would have lasted till 6PM of the next day. I did not have to pay any refundable deposit which was surprising. As the Rocca al Mare Photopoint was just across the Arigato (see it on the map) where ADCC took place it was very convenient for me to  return the lens right after the event 🙂

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Osta ära! Panin Yagasse ühe täiesti uue Scramble’i nogi komplekti müüki (S suurus, 125 67 eur).