20.01.2024 |

Best BJJ Rash Guard 2024

The best BJJ rash guard is the Sondico Base Core Long Sleeve Base Layer rash guard that Sportsdirect sells for 16.80€ for one, 26.40€ for two.

Sondico rashguard
  • Sufficient length
  • Long sleeves (protects your skin)
  • Plain design – no flames, you can silkscreen it yourself if you want to
  • Thick, durable and strong material
  • Nice and tight fit (not loose anywhere)
  • Cheap!

I always cry inside and feel helpless when I see new visitors falling for the up-sell of 60 eur no-name rashguard because they are not able to figure out the internet.

You can get this Sondico as your first rash guard to wear under the gi or for nogi and then take your time to figure out if maybe xmartialMA1 x B-Team, Future Kimonos or any other actual brand is your thing.

21.12.2023 |

BJJ uudised #4

Tanel Adsonil (Alistamise Akadeemia) nüüd pruun vöö ja sotsiaalmeedias vastav postitus: “Alistamise Akadeemia esimest vööde edutamist viis läbi Tõll Simson, kes premeeris Tanelit pruuni, Sirlat lilla ja Agot sinise vööga. Teised akadeemikud premeerisid vöösaajaid tunniajase ironmaniga, kus ilma puhkepausideta oli kõigil võimalik retsida kogu hingest värskeid vöösid.”

16.11.2023 |

Recording BJJ matches at competition

I have filmed three BJJ competitions for my team so far. I find it more rewarding and much simpler than taking photos. I have used a smartphone as a camera and a tripod for smooth panning. For the tripod, I have used either two-way fluid head (video head) or three-way pan head.

I have thought about filming with DSLR but I would need expensive and 28-70 mm light lens which I do not have and the complexity of the whole filming process would also increase.

This is the video I filmed at Estonian Nogi Championships using iPhone SE3. You can see the wide angle, image stabilization as well as the quality of the digital zoom.

Continue reading “Recording BJJ matches at competition”

22.10.2023 |

BTT Estonia – 3 uut musta vööd ja 2 uut pruuni vööd

21. oktoobril toimus BTT Estonias Murilo Bustamante (7th degree coral belt) seminar, mille järgselt andis treener Sergio De A Cabral mõned vööd. Musta vöö said Sergei Marmeljuk, Efosa Erharuyi ja Tarmo Jüristo. Video leiab siit.

Pruuni vöö said Robert Stanley Montes ja Aleksandr Marmeljuk. Ja natuke hiljem Arman Pogosjan (25.10.23).

15.09.2023 |

Murilo Bustamante seminar 21. oktoobril BTTs

21. oktoobril kell 10 toimub BTT Estonia saalis (Pirni 12, Tallinn) Murilo Bustamante seminar. Osalemistasu 50 eurot.

Murilo Bustamante on 7th deg. BJJ coral belt (valge ja punane vöö), üks Brazilian Top Team asutajatest.

Plakat BTT Estonia Instagramis.

15.09.2023 |

BJJ uudised #3

Uus pruun vöö: Kaupo Kokamägi (Beltchecker) sai Martin Aedmalt pruuni vöö. Pikem ülevaade ja pildid Võimla Facebookis.

20 aastat jiu jitsut Tartus üritus 16.-17. septembril Võimlas.

Tom Mäenurm võistleb ADCC European Trials 2023 võistlusel ja tema bracketit (st tulemusi) näeb siit. Kui tähtis see võistlus on? Estum jiu jitsu FB annab jällegi ilusa ülevaate eesti keeles.

11.09.2023 |

Best BJJ Exercises

This is one of the videos ranking the best exercises for grappling strength that I have found useful.

I very much enjoy Alex Sterner’s Instagram. He gives out valuable tips on exercising and recovery. Emphasising sleep and nutrition. And constantly mocking cold plunges, weird diets, weird exercises, functional training etc. Hilarious content.

This video by B Team also helps to explain some simple exercises and the rationale behind each of them this way.

06.09.2023 |

Tartu treener oli korraga suhtes vähemalt nelja õpilasega

Eesti Päevalehes ilmus täna oluline artikkel sellest, et Tartu võitlusspordiklubide treener oli korraga seksuaalsuhtes vähemalt nelja oma õpilasega, neist üks oli suhte alguses alaealine (treener 29, õpilane 15). Loe lähemalt Eesti Päevalehest.

Treener tegutses Tartu Budoklubis treenerina kuni juuni 2023 ning spordiklubis Võimla (artiklist ei selgu millal peatati treeneri osalemine klubi tegevuses nii harrastaja kui ka treenerina).

20.08.2023 |

Tom Mäenurm võitis ADCC North European ’23 kulla

Tom Mäenurm osales Turus võistlusel ADCC North European klassis Men Pro / Pro / -76,9kg (vaata bracketit). 5 matši, kõik võitis alistusega, kõik heelhook. Vastaseks poolfinaalis oli UFC võitleja Makwan Amirkhani. Poodiumipildi koos esmamuljetega leiab Tomi instagramist. Pikema ülevaate Estum-jiu jitsu Facebooki lehelt.

Järgmine võistlus tal ADCC European Trials.

11.08.2023 |

Is BJJ Healthy Sport

I will start posting things here that I find on social media where BJJ athletes talk about their injuries. Not to scare anyone away from starting with BJJ but to give a realistic overview of what is probably going to happen to you when you are more competitive than a regular slacker.

This Instagram post by Tom DeBlass (41) really made me think about how unhealthy BJJ actually is. When I reached the place where he says “At 41 years young…” I was really amused because I thought – by everything he had just described – that he is older than 60.

Nicky Ryan (21) talking about his knee injuries and about training with no ACL.

A person aged 42 looking forward to a total hip replacement in the next few years, as well as a total shoulder replacement.

Why BJJ Is Destroying Your Body

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