11.08.2023 |

Is BJJ Healthy Sport

I will start posting things here that I find on social media where BJJ athletes talk about their injuries. Not to scare anyone away from starting with BJJ but to give a realistic overview of what is probably going to happen to you when you are more competitive than a regular slacker.

This Instagram post by Tom DeBlass (41) really made me think about how unhealthy BJJ actually is. When I reached the place where he says “At 41 years young…” I was really amused because I thought – by everything he had just described – that he is older than 60.

Nicky Ryan (21) talking about his knee injuries and about training with no ACL.

A person aged 42 looking forward to a total hip replacement in the next few years, as well as a total shoulder replacement.

Why BJJ Is Destroying Your Body

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Osta ära! Panin Yagasse ühe täiesti uue Scramble’i nogi komplekti müüki (S suurus, 125 67 eur).