11.12.2024 |

Estum Jiu-Jitsu avab treeninggrupi 10-15 aastastele

Estum Jiu-Jitsu avab jaanuaris noorte Brasiilia Jiu-jitsu (BJJ) treeninggrupi 10-15 aastastele.

Kasvata oma lapses enesekindlust, distsipliini ja keskendumisvõimet meie turvalistel ning kaasahaaravatel treeningutel!

Esmaspäeval ja neljapäeval 16.30-17.30 (lisaks ka avatud matid nädalavahetusel). Esimene treening 13. jaanuaril.

Treener: BJJ must vöö Tom Mäenurm
Kuutasu 60€, esimesele 15 registreerijale esmane kuutasu soodushind 40€.
Registreerimine: estumjiujitsu.ee/noored-10-15-aastased

17.10.2024 |

Aitado avab oktoobrist Brasiilia Jiu-Jitsu algajate grupi!

Aitado avab oktoobrist Brasiilia Jiu-Jitsu algajate grupi! Kutsume kõiki 15a+ jiu-jitsu huvilisi trenni! Tutvustava klipi leiab Aitado Facebookist.

Treeningud alates 14. oktoobrist:
🕖 E ja K 19:00
📍 Sõjakooli 3, Tallinn
🥋 Treener Sten Maaslieb
Registreerimine: aitado.ee/registreerimine/

Lisaküsimuste korral võtke meiega kindlasti ühendust:

  • facebookis/instagramis
  • aitado@aitado.ee
  • +372 5655116.
01.10.2024 |

Discount Codes

COMEBACK – 15% off (not valid for sale items)
QUEENKQ424 – 15% off, Kendall Reusing‘s discount code. Maybe need to update Q and year accordingly.

Tatami Fightwear
LIRA20 – 20% off Luccas Lira‘s discount code
HINGER20 – 20% off, Josh Hinger’s coupon code
MAGGIE20 – 20% off, Maggie Grindatti Lira’s coupon code
HELENA20 – 20% off, Helena Crevar’s discount code

Progress Jiu-Jitsu
FFION15 – 15% off, Ffion Davies’ coupon code.
JONES15 – 15% off, Owen Jones discount code
Clear browser cookies, join newsletter and get 25% discount code.


15.08.2024 |

Craig Jones Invitational (CJI)

Craig Jones Invitational (CJI) takes place on August 16th and 17th, 2024. Offical instagram is @cjiofficial and website is fightfoundation.com. You can watch it on Youtube for free.

WATCH LIVE: 🔴Youtube

Continue reading “Craig Jones Invitational (CJI)”

29.06.2024 |

Tatami Fightwear finally got it right – Classico Ultralite Gi

I am happy that Tatami Fightwear finally did the right thing and got it done right. I hope this gi will last a long time in their selection.

Tatami Classico Ultralite Gi

I am talking about this Clássico Ultralite Gi. It is their lightweight 300 gsm gi, affordable (59 euros at the moment), comes with free white belt. Minimalistic design, no stupid large logos as they usually do. Available in black, blue and white. Direct competitor for Progress Academy Gi (which I don’t like because it is short).

Tatami Classico Ultralite Gi - white

If I had less gis than I have and I would actually wear gis more often then I would surely buy myself one.

20.01.2024 |

Best BJJ Rash Guard 2024

The best BJJ rash guard is the Sondico Base Core Long Sleeve Base Layer rash guard that Sportsdirect sells for 16.80€ for one, 26.40€ for two.

Sondico rashguard
  • Sufficient length
  • Long sleeves (protects your skin)
  • Plain design – no flames, you can silkscreen it yourself if you want to
  • Thick, durable and strong material
  • Nice and tight fit (not loose anywhere)
  • Cheap!

I always cry inside and feel helpless when I see new visitors falling for the up-sell of 60 eur no-name rashguard because they are not able to figure out the internet.

You can get this Sondico as your first rash guard to wear under the gi or for nogi and then take your time to figure out if maybe xmartialMA1 x B-Team, Future Kimonos or any other actual brand is your thing.

16.11.2023 |

Recording BJJ matches at competition

I have filmed five BJJ competitions for my team so far. I find it more rewarding and much simpler than taking photos. I have used a smartphone as a camera and a tripod for smooth panning. For the tripod, I have used either two-way fluid head (video head) or three-way pan head.

I have thought about filming with DSLR but I would need expensive and 28-70 mm light lens which I do not have and the complexity of the whole filming process would also increase.

This is the video I filmed at Estonian Nogi Championships using iPhone SE3. You can see the wide angle, image stabilization as well as the quality of the digital zoom.

Continue reading “Recording BJJ matches at competition”

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Osta ära! Panin Yagasse ühe täiesti uue Scramble’i nogi komplekti müüki (S suurus, 125 67 eur).